Thursday, July 03, 2008

Second Pattern - Twilight Inspired Socks

'Just Before the Meadow'
For Twilight fans -
The orange breaks in the yarn remind me of streaming sunlight filtering through the tops and branches of the majestic trees as Edward and Bella approach the edge of the meadow.
The anticipation, the hesitation, the anxiety rippling through just before Edward reveals his magnificence!

My second offering - available now at Ravelry and after a few more tweaks, will be available for sale.


Anna said...

Very nice! It's great how the yarn can tell a story.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I don't know who Edward and Bella are, but that's a beautiful sock pattern and yarn. Takes the breath away to see some of these modern space dyed yarns. That is the word for them I hope.

Bea said...

Very pretty! I'm super impressed at how wonderful this tree is (not to mention the sock)!!