Saturday, January 05, 2008

Paper paper everywhere!

Feeling a little euphoric here! We're halfway into clearing up all the paper clutter that's accummulated/neglected for 2 yrs now. Couldn't chuck it all in trash just in case we need bits for tax purposes and product/appliance warranties etc.
So the last 5 weeks, we've been sifting, re sifting and filing filing filing!
Managed to get more ebay-able items - which is a nice thing.
Do we have more space now?
Not really but it's nice to know where everything is .....finally!


rho said...

I'm impressed - that is on my list of things to do too -- ugh I hate it - hate even the thought of it :D

maniacalmultitasker said...

I do too Rho!
I've been dragging my feet on this one since my 'retirement'. I had it in mind to finish in October, then Oct became Nov, then came December. uh oh!

Anna said...

Wow. You make me want to start cleaning up all the clutter in my house right this instant! But alas, I'm at work, and by the time I get home I'll be too tired to tackle anything but the laundry and dishes. I really do hate how the paper clutter just piles up. And they say we live in the digital age!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Hey there. How are you? In my mother's things I came across a newpaper clipping titled, "How to Tame the Paper Lion", and it was all about what you are going through.

You are not alone, dear girl, we are doing that here at this house, too. It will all be better when you are through. It's tiring to hang on to it, and tiring to clear it out, but once it's gone, you can smile and smile....