Sunday, May 13, 2007

Union Station, The US Botanic Garden - 12th Jan 2007

We were going to cover the Capitol building end of DC on our last day. The kids had just watched "National Treasure" and with New York fresh in their minds, they wanted to see the Declaration of Independence.
Our hotel is really close to the subway as well so we took a train up to Chinatown and then across to the Union Station.
Here are some cool pics inside the subway.

The replica of the Liberty Bell outside the Union Station.

We made it thru to the Library of Congress but as it was raining, our photos are quite grey and depressing. We then made our way to the front of the Capitol building and waited to be taken in to the Capitol building tour. A great place to visit while you're waiting is the US Botanic Garden just next to the Capitol on the left side while facing the Washington Monument.
I've always loved Cattleya orchids - these blooms are beautiful bu the photos don't really show the intensity and the size of the lovely flowers. They were huge and absolutely magnificent!

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